Retainer Services

We get that finding someone—or a team—you can trust to handle your legal work is not easy. Our retainer service is here to propose to you a solution: a team of skilled and experienced legal partners that will work with you closely to resolve your day-to-day legal quandaries, freeing you up to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Our legal retainer service is accessible and are bespoke to you at any stage of your business: whether your business is a newly established business trying to get a foothold in the market while ensuring that your legal arrangements are most beneficial to you, or an established business looking for an experienced legal team to handle your often-complex day to day matter.

No matter the size of your business, we are here to provide you with a team of experienced attorneys you can trust to handle your legal matters: from contract drafting and negotiation and complex compliance obligations from regulators, to handling the smallest minutiae of your licensing and intellectual property filings.

We are a full-service firm with over 50+ years of experience in various practices and sectors, and can use every bit of that advantage to become your trusted legal team.