Green Initiatives

We spend a great deal of our time dealing with current and emerging environmental issues and green industry initiatives in Indonesia—from representing our clients in their carbon credits and trading, renewable energy and recycling industry matters, to new and upcoming environmental and climate technologies.

Our attorneys have long worked in the forefront of this industry before anyone else. We have worked and represented major clients in this area, spanning from the governmental regulators of this industry to the first movers in the carbon industry. Some of our experiences in this space includes:

  • Representing the government ministry responsible for this industry in Indonesia.
  • Representing and advising one of the first carbon capture and credit company in Indonesia in its corporate structure matters, and its dealings with local and multinational potential investors.
  • Representing and advising a carbon capture and credit company and assisting with its investment structuring with potential cross-border investors.


We are ready to assist you in making the most of potential in this space.